We are always excited to work with our community and showcase the artists that paint our one-of-a-kind Asheville canvas. For our new website, Asheville Premier Transportation shot photos in one of our favorite new artist hubs in the city – Foundy Street. This once abandoned site has been brought to colorful light thanks to the largest muralist event in the state of North Carolina, “Burners & BBQ.”

The annual non-profit event, held this year from May 19 -21, features over 30 artists from around the nation as they bring their creativity to this corner of the River Arts District, creating stunning street art, graffiti, and murals. Last year alone, artists painted over 15,000 square feet of street canvas, imprinting Foundy Street as a destination for artists and art lovers around the nation.

“We hope to further solidify its reputation as a beautiful outdoor gallery while simultaneously promoting the River Arts District as a cultural landmark and the proud home of Asheville’s art community,” said festival organizers. “By bringing these artists together and executing a project of this scope and quality, we hope to provide our city with art that inspires others to do the same and specifically gives Asheville’s youth something ambitious they can aspire to.”

Kick-off the weekend Friday, May, 19 at 7 p.m. at the Foundy St. Wedge Brewery for an official art opening, artists meet and greet and live performances. Beers will be flowing all weekend and of course, BBQ by 12 Bones. Donations are also being accepted at  https://www.yo8.ucaring.com/asheville-76659